NO successful hire fees. *Introductory business pricing.
List your first job free for 30 days
So you can trial Stevie - no risk, all reward
Same features as 'Self Starter'
Easy to use platform to create a business profile & job listing
Unlimited edits to your business profile and job listing
Sourcing and shortlisting of talent
Full access to matched talent profiles
Brand promotion & content creation
Standard support
All the features of 'Self Starter' PLUS:
1-1 Discovery session
Support to create and optimise business profile & job listing
Enhanced brand promotion & content creation
Priority support throughout
Personalised Pro plan
Tailor-made solution based on your business’ needs
Talk to us and we'll help create a personalised plan
Customised pricing
Easy to use platform to create your talent profile
Introductions to aligned job opportunities
Full access to view business profiles and job listings
*Introductory pricing as of 1st October, 2024 and subject to change.