Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

General Questions

Who can use Stevie?

Stevie is focussing on working from home or hybrid roles for now. We know this covers plenty of industries and roles, so we have designed our profiles to acknowledge this. Marketing, design, P&C, tech, finance, sales or operations talent and jobs will find a home with us.

How is Stevie unique?

Because we cut out the noise and simply focus on introducing and connecting engaged and aligned talent and businesses. Business and talent then take it from there to work out if they are the perfect match, but our profiles give them an excellent head start.

Oh yeah, there’s also no cold calling as talent profiles are ONLY visible to registered businesses if they appear in a shortlist or apply for a role. Talent have control over their visibility and may even prefer to be hidden if they prefer to look and not appear.

Does Stevie work with recruiters?

At this stage, sadly not. Stevie is designed to support businesses and talent directly, so we have tailored our platform to meet their needs. We embrace transparency, so the creation of profiles is by the people behind them.

How does the shortlisting work?

Like dating, it’s all about asking the right questions! So, like any good matchmaker, we find out what people have to offer and what they are looking for to ensure we shortlist the right talent for jobs.

When a job listing is posted, Stevie will sort through our talent community to present the business with a shortlist of aligned talent. These individuals have the skills, strengths and preferences that the business is looking for. From there, businesses review the profiles to get to know each talent and send a connection request if they would like to connect for a call. Talent will then accept or politely decline the offer to catch up, depending if the job is of interest to them.

If talent accepts, then their contact details (email and phone number) are shared with the business, who will be in touch to arrange a time for a call or meeting. You both take it from here but we will keep an eye out on the hiring process to keep everyone updated.

How much does it cost?

For talent, Stevie’s always free.

For business, you’re in luck! While we listen and learn from our community during beta testing, Stevie is free!

Whilst we love a surprise at the best of times, this won’t be the case for our business community when we do bring in pricing! Flexible subscriptions or pay per job listing will be available and we DON’T charge extra for a successful connection.

Can I change my profile at any time?

Absolutely! As our profiles are live, we recommend everyone reviews and edits their profile from time to time. You may have decided on a new career direction or have completed a course you’d like to include. Keeping your profile up to date means Stevie is always in the know to best connect you.

This applies to businesses also!

I’ve lost my logins – what should I do?

Follow the prompts to reset your password on the login page here

What contact info is shared and when?

No contact information is shared until BOTH talent and the business agree to connect. This occurs when a business sends a ‘nudge’ to a talent they are interested in chatting with. If the talent accepts, email addresses and phone numbers are exchanged to allow contact. We recommend businesses take the first step, but talent can initiate a conversation also.

Talent Questions


Can I still apply for a job instead of waiting to be shortlisted?

YES PLEASE! Talent does not need to wait to be shortlisted. If you see a job you love, simply select ‘apply’ and your profile will be presented to the business for review.

What if I am approached for a role I am not interested in?

Whilst we get to know you, some jobs might appear a good match on paper, but might not be your jam on reading more. If this is the case, simply accept or decline the offer to connect. Easy!

What do I do with my profile if I’m no longer looking for work?

Too easy. You can set your profile to 1 of 2 options:

‘Not looking at the moment’ – this will inform businesses you aren’t looking for opportunities right now BUT it does still give you the ability to apply or be shortlisted. If you are the type of person who always likes to know what offers are out there, simply edit your profile so you only receive alerts for roles you are happy to receive notifications from.

‘Hidden’ – this will ensure your profile is NOT shortlisted and you are not able to apply for roles when in this setting. Your profile will simply sit dormant for when you need it and allow you some space while you enjoy your new direction.

Can I register a profile but remain hidden until ready?

Sure thing. We give our talent flexibility to choose their status when posting a profile.

You can select your status as – actively looking, open to opportunities or not looking at the moment. If you prefer to remain incognito for now, select ‘hidden’ which removes you from any shortlisting or ability to apply.

Will I find out if I am not accepted for a role?

We will keep you in the loop, BUT do rely on business to keep us in the loop. We know that this is one of the biggest challenges in the job hunting space, so we manage the communication to make it easy for businesses and talent alike. Keeping our community informed is important to us.

Business Questions


Can Stevie tap in if we are part way through our recruitment process?

Yes, we can. If you are part way through your recruitment process and feeling daunted by the prospect of sorting resumes, simply send a Stevie request to your talent list. This will ask them to create a profile for the next stage of the process. This will give you more insight into each candidate, but also allow us to sort them for you.

To do this, you will need to register, create a company profile and job listing.

You can also reach out to us (email) if you need a helping hand.

Can I set up a business profile, and a talent profile at the same time?

Yes! You can create both a talent and a business profile and you can simply toggle between your profiles in the account section. Your dashboard visibility will differ depending which profile you are in. Need to understand more about billing, payments, cancellations and renewal? We’ve rolled all these answers into our pricing page here. While Stevie is free, you have the ability to use us as much as you’d like and we’ll be sure to give you a heads up when this changes.

Does Stevie manage the candidate communications for us?

YES, but we do need you to keep us in the loop to do so.

The contact points are pretty straight forward, so let’s walk you through them.


– Talent may not be aware they are shortlisted for a role. They have told us what they are looking for and we advocate for them to get them front and centre for roles that align. What this means is that they may only know about the role if you send them a connection request, which will appear on their email and in their dashboard

– They will accept or decline, which you will find out via your dashboard

– You manage the interview process and when you have made decisions about talent, you simply select ……


– Talent can still apply for a role, and they will appear in your shortlist but as an application

– You will select to ‘connect’ as you would with a shortlisted candidate. If a talent has applied all contact details will be shared on ‘connection’ from the business.

On hiring a successful talent

–  Regardless of whether you hire from within Stevie or externally, we’d love you to let us know so we can communicate to the talent who applied or you interviewed.

–  To do this, we will send you a survey….

Can I edit a job listing?

We tentatively say yes to this, as long as you aren’t shifting the goalposts on the talent. If you are making small changes to a job listing, you do have that capability, however keep in mind that this may impact the shortlisting or application process.

To be safe, we ask you to create a new job listing and deactivate the old to ensure talent are clear on your expectations.